The new website, which can be seen at www.jsr.co.uk, gives the reader a real insight into genetics and how science and technology must play a real role in maintaining its industries competitiveness. As JSR Marketing Manager Bev Gibson explains “Ongoing investment in R&D is essential to the continued success of a modern pig industry, both at home and abroad. This is especially relevant to JSR as we continually improve the productivity of our breeding programmes. The utilisation of new science in increasing pork profitability is at the forefront of what we do and we wanted our new website to reflect this, both in the way it looks and the information it provides. The aim was to give the user a chance to further understand what we do and how we go about it.
“The new website includes detailed information about JSR products and services, including both Sire and Dam lines and semen storage and delivery. Details of the technical support and backup we provide can also be found on the website, as well as information about the wider pork supply chain, available jobs and the latest news from the industry.”
Details on JSR’s growing list of global partners and distributors can also be found along with new opportunities. “We are actively looking for new partners, in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Producers who are interested in working with JSR, can very easily enter and submit their details on the website and we will consider all potential opportunities.”
“Our hope is that the site will also become a valuable education resource” says Ms Gibson. “All previous Technical Conference papers can be viewed or downloaded, such as Scientific Solutions to International Instability by Dr Grant Walling and Weaning Age Revisited by Dr Mike Varley, (from the JSR Technical Conference in Sep 2009). All JSR newsletters and Technical Briefings can also be downloaded and the very latest research to originate from our partnerships with Universities and Research Centres in the UK will also be made available.” concludes Ms Gibson.
Please log onto www.jsr.co.uk to see more.