Lee Whittington, President of Prairie Swine Centre, is pleased to announce the recruitment of Barb Stefanyshyn-Cote to our management team. This appointment marks a turning point with industry reinvestment in research increasing following a general industry rationalization since 2008. In making the announcement Mr. Whittington indicated the importance of this appointment “It is time to begin looking ahead, the industry is different, but one thing that has not changed is the need for leadership and fresh ideas to assist pork producers to reach new heights in efficiency. Feed costs have risen substantially since mid-2010 from less than 60% of the cost of production, to now feed represents typically over 70% of production costs. This has spurred renewed interest in both public and private research.”
In her new capacity as Manager of Contract Research, Barb will be responsible for liaising with industry partners to assist in their confidential research needs. With an MSc in animal nutrition, experience in communication and international agriculture Barb brings a variety of skills to this position. She is keenly interested in assisting companies with their research needs to help move the industry forward. In her words “It is great to be aligned with an industry partner like the Prairie Swine Centre. Good research is invaluable – it leads to advancements in technologies and lowers production costs, and reassures producers that the new products and services they are purchasing will provide a predictable benefit. As a research facility, the Prairie Swine Centre has a lot to offer including world class facilities, unique capabilities such as surgery and metabolism, and research scientists and technicians with experience I look forward to the exciting results that are going to come from research conducted here. Innovation is our key to feeding the world of the future and research trials do just that - they test out the innovative ideas. It’s a great time for research.”

Since inception, Prairie Swine Centre has served the needs of private corporations worldwide that wished to have their products and services evaluated under commercial-like conditions with rigorous scientific oversight. This service plays a significant role in assisting manufacturers to assess product efficacy and safety, and because of the level of expertise developed at the Centre over the past 18 years clients can get the data they need to seek product registration in Canada, the US and European Union.
We welcome Ms. Stefanyshyn-Cote to Prairie Swine Centre and look forward to having all of our staff assisting the industry with a quick and sustained transition back to profitability through the application of innovative and practical science.
Prairie Swine Centre Inc., located near Saskatoon, is a non-profit research corporation affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan, and is recognized globally for its contributions to practical, applied science in pork production in the disciplines of nutrition, engineering and applied animal behaviour.
March 12, 2012 - Prairie Swine Centre