
New pH1N1 Vaccine Available for Swine

Pfizer Animal Health is First to Develop, Manufacture and Receive USDA Approval
15 December 2009
Swine producers have a new conditionally-licensed vaccine from Pfizer Animal Health to help protect their herds from the pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) strain of Swine Influenza Virus (SIV).1 Pfizer Animal Health today announced that its Swine Influenza Vaccine, pH1N1 – Killed Virus, has been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for vaccination of healthy swine, including pregnant sows and gilts, three weeks of age or older against SIV subtype H1N1.

Pfizer Animal Health became the first U.S. biologics manufacturer to receive a USDA conditional license for this new vaccine. Earlier this year, the USDA provided a master seed of the pH1N1 strain to multiple manufacturers in anticipation of potential transmission in swine herds. Producers today have not detected widespread transmission of the pH1N1 strain within swine herds.

“This gives us hope that this pH1N1 strain can be managed by producers like any other seasonal swine flu strain in pigs,” said Gloria Basse, senior director of the U.S. swine business for Pfizer Animal Health. Producers are advised to consult their veterinarian on the use of this new conditionally-licensed vaccine, as well as continue to follow American Association of Swine Veterinarians and National Pork Producers Council recommendations for routine flu preventive measures.

Pfizer Animal Health has built an adequate inventory of this new vaccine to ensure supply in key pork-producing states. Local use of the new pH1N1 vaccine requires the approval of state veterinarians and Pfizer Animal Health is working to achieve state-by-state approvals.

“Our new conditionally-licensed pH1N1 vaccine adds another valuable swine influenza management tool to Pfizer Animal Health’s FluSure XP™ Defense System toolbox,” said Steve Sornsen, DVM, MS, director of veterinary services for Pfizer Animal Health.

“This new vaccine was developed from the USDA master seed virus and helps protect pigs against current pH1N1 strains circulating in humans and pigs. Serologic studies in pigs vaccinated with this vaccine showed an increase in antibody titers against the pandemic H1N1 strain,” Dr. Sornsen explained.

Pfizer Animal Health’s new vaccine is a freeze-dried preparation containing the A/California/04/2009 (H1N1) isolate and requires a 2-mL dose and a booster after three weeks. The new vaccine is available in 50-dose and 250-dose sizes.

It also contains Amphigen® to help stimulate immune responses, using the animal’s natural defense system to rapidly fight disease. Amphigen was developed for excellent syringeability at any temperature, making vaccination easier. For more information about this new vaccine, producers should talk with their veterinarian or local Pfizer Animal Health representative, or visit www.FluSureXP.com.

Pfizer Animal Health, a business of Pfizer Inc., is a world leader in discovering and developing innovative animal vaccines and prescription medicines, investing an estimated $300 million annually in animal health product research and development. For more information about how Pfizer Animal Health works to ensure a safe, sustainable global food supply from healthy swine and other livestock, visit www.PfizerAH.com.

1 This product license is conditional. Efficacy and/or potency of this product have not been fully demonstrated. Consultation with a veterinarian is recommended.


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