A very important feature of NOREL is our focus, since the beginning, on animal nutrition. Originally, NOREL was a supplier of raw materials for animal nutrition, milk replacers, whey products and protein extracts. In 1982, we started the production of spray fat concentrates as well as organic trace minerals (methionates). Expansion and development followed and in 1988 Norel opened its biotechnology plant in Leon (Spain). We then became the first biotechnology company in Spain specialized in animal nutrition. In 1990, we started the production of by-pass fats for ruminants. Today, with our flagship Magnapac, we are one of the major producers worldwide. Our development continued with new factories in Egypt and Mexico, and specialized units in Spain.
An important date in our history is, certainly, 2001, when NOREL S.A. merged its activities with NATURE S.A., a company specialized in the production of flavours and sweeteners, acidifiers, antioxidants and mould inhibitors. We then became known in the market as “NOREL & NATURE”; at that time, it was important for us to keep the name NATURE because our activities and products were different, but at the same time very complementary. Today, we are pleased to introduce our new logo, together with the launch of our brand new website at www.norel.es.
The new logo of NOREL takes into account the history by combining the two Ns of Norel and Nature. Together, they resemble the famous Yin Yang symbol and remind us that the two entities now make one. The new logo also represents the infinity symbol, a reference to the original meaning of NOREL: we continue to grow: the possibilities are endless…
Our new website comes with an improved corporate identity and many new features and updates. Most importantly, we added a news section that will keep you updated on latest developments and activities of NOREL worldwide.
Keep visiting us for news and information, and in the meantime, we hope that you will find our content useful and informative and we look forward to your comments and suggestions.