Novus International has been recognized by the St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association (RCGA) and RubinBrown LLP as a recipient of the 2009 Top 50 Award. The award, presented annually since 1996, recognizes businesses, entrepreneurs and organizations in all industry sectors throughout the St. Louis region.
"Novus is honored to be given this distinction from among the many firms making up the region's thriving business community," says Thad Simons, President and CEO, Novus International. "We are proud to call the St. Louis area our corporate home."
Founded in 1991, Novus International, Inc. is a leader in animal health and nutrition, providing services to more than 2,000 nutritionists, producers, veterinarians and feed manufacturers in more than 90 countries. Novus is a leading developer of products and programs for the poultry, pork, beef, dairy, aquaculture and companion animal industries. Earlier this month, Novus announced the launch of its new human nutrition division, Stratum Nutrition.
In the last year, Novus International completed the construction of a $20 million global headquarters at Missouri Research Park in St. Charles County which earned LEED Platinum certification, the highest energy and environmental designation available and only one of four in the State of Missouri and of about 100 in the US. The company's commitment to providing a sustainable work environment recently earned it the prestigious 2009 St. Louis Business Journal "Heroes of the Planet Award," recognizing area companies with exceptional sustainability practices benefiting employees.
Novus has an extensive program of bringing industry leaders in the livestock industry to St Louis. As an example, Novus supported the organization of the 2009 World Agricultural Forum Congress. Novus is also committed to supporting the development of the next generation of agriculture leaders through internships and scholarship programs. Novus contributes to the Missouri College Funds and has extensive research collaborations with research institutions around the world and locally in particular with the Universities of Missouri at Columbia, Rolla and St. Louis. Novus is a generous contributor to the St. Louis United Way, the St. Louis Arts and Education Council, the Japan America Society, the St. Louis Zoo, the Missouri Botanical Gardens, the World Affairs Council and various other organizations and charities throughout the world, including contributions made through the Novus Employee Matching Gift Fund.
"At Novus, we have strived to reflect our commitment to sustainable practices in both our product offerings as well as our business operations," says Simons. "We appreciate the recognition and, like our commitment to global responsibility, consider it to be one shared by all our employees, customers and stakeholders."
The award was presented at a gala awards program and dinner on Wednesday, Nov. 18, at the Marriott St. Louis Union Station.
RCGA President and Chief Executive Officer Richard C.D. Fleming describes this year's Top 50 as "a rich cross section of entrepreneurs, mid-cap companies, long-established headquarter companies and civic institutions that provide the backbone to St. Louis' economy and enhance the region's quality of life."
"We are delighted to serve as title sponsor of the 2009 Greater St. Louis Top 50 Awards," adds RubinBrown LLP Chairman James Castellano. "This year's Top 50 winners were selected based on a variety of common denominators of high achievement. In addition to their overall civic commitment, many have demonstrated growth in the number of employees. Many boast strong revenue growth, while others have become stronger with noteworthy acquisitions or expansion and development of facilities."
Castellano says that while a widely diverse group of businesses and organizations were honored at the Top 50 Awards Gala on Nov. 18, all of the companies share a focused commitment to the region's quality of life and economic development.

November 27, 2009 - Novus International, Inc