Finally Mr Balisson presented the following awards to Olmix’ Asia partners in recognition of their 2010 sales achievements :
# Best sales of MTox + : Mr Ernie Lee, MD Agri Bio, Philippines
# Best sales of Mfeed : Mrs Nguyen Thi Chi Linh , MD ACC Vietnam
# Best sales of Mistral : Lu Nan , Sales Manager , Olmix China
# Best Global Growth : Chew Yew Chai , Director, Progress , Malaysia
# Best Global Sales : Mr A. Niphon , MD Daika , Thailand

Herve Balusson | Marie Gallisot |

From L - R: Mrs Ngyen Thi Chi Linh , ACC Vietnam; Chew Yew Chai Progress, Malaysia; Mr Ernie Lee Agri Bio, Phils; Herve Balusson, Chairman, Olmix; Thanh Trinh, Asia Pacific Manager; Mr A. Niphon, Daika, Thailand; Lu Nan, Olmix China