
Ongoing Registration for the World Meat Congress to take place september 26-29, 2010 in Buenos Aires

Argentina will host the 18th World Meat Congress entitled "Meat for a Sustainable World", organized by the International Meat Secretariat every other year, gathering the main actors in the world's bovine, ovine and pork meat chain.
23 June 2010
Argentina will host the 18th World Meat Congress entitled "Meat for a Sustainable World", organized by the International Meat Secretariat every other year, gathering the main actors in the world's bovine, ovine and pork meat chain.

During the event –where the issues to be dealt with in the meat-related agenda are discussed and defined–, besides analyzing current issues and trends in the world meat market, a special emphasis will be made on searching for, discussing and proposing mechanisms for a sustainable production.

First, the previous internal discussions meetings will be held among the different OPIC-IMS commissions on veal, ovine, bovine and pork meat. Then, the public Congress will take place at La Rural Predio Ferial in Buenos Aires (located at Juncal 4431) on September 28-29, 2010.

Experts from all over the world will discuss, besides the sustainability-related aspects mentioned above, other topics referring to sanitary issues, markets and analysis of new consumers.

The Congress agenda will consist in 5 sessions, each introducing specific aspects.
On Tuesday 28, two sessions will take place: the first one is entitled "Providing Meat to the World Market in a Sustainable Way", and the second one, "Market Operators in the International Trade". The following experts will participate in the first panel, moderated by Patrick J. Moore (OPIC's President): the EU Agriculture and Rural Development commissioner, a member of the US Department of Agriculture, a representative of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, an OIE's executive, Dardo Chiesa (IPCVA's President), and Guillermo Nielsen (Argentine Ambassador to Germany).

On the other hand, the second panel, moderated by Guillaume Roué, President of INAPORC (France), will be formed by Richard Brown (Director, GIRA), Hugo Carassai (Consorcio ABC, Argentina), Rashid Kadimi (President, All India Meat and Livestock Exporters Association), Joel Haggard (Asian Pacific Region Vice-President – U.S. Meat Export Federation), and Jin Xiangyu (President & CEO, Sichuan Goldkinn Foods Co. Ltd.), among others.

On Wednesday 29, other three sessions will take place, namely, "The Meat Industry Facing Sustainability Challenges", "Animal Health and Wellbeing in the International Trade Context", and "Round Table: The Future of the Global Meat Industry". The third session will focus on sustainability –one of the key issues in this Congress. It will be moderated by Neville Gregory (OPIC's Scientific Advisor), with the participation of the following experts: Henning Steinfeld (FAO's Livestock, Environment and Development Initiatives Main Coordinator), a representative of the World Wildlife Found, Siem Korver (UECBV's Meat Industry Section), Paul Brand, Fernando Sampaio (ABIEC's Sustainability Coordinator, Brazil), and Cledwyng Thomas and Paddy Moore (both from OPIC). By the end of the third session, Pablo Caputi (INAC, Uruguay) will present the OPIC Economy Workshop's report, previously prepared in Montevideo. Also, the next IMS-OPIC's 19th World Meat Congress will be launched, to take place June 4-6, 2012 in Paris.

The fourth session –focusing on animal health and wellbeing and moderated by Geert Janssen (Vion N.V.)– will feature Henny Swinkels (Director of Van Drie Group), among other referents from the EU and Mercosur. The fifth session will be moderated by Philip M. Seng (President and CEO of the United States Meat Export Federation), where the main topics of the Congress will be discussed and contributions and proposals will be shared for the future. Among other referents of industry and production, Argentina will have its representative in this session, namely Miguel Gorelik (Marfrig Alimentos S.A.).

An interesting advantage for all potential participants in this 18th World Meat Congress is the 20% discount offered for all valid registrations before June 30. To get more information, please visit www.congresomundialdelacarne2010.com

World Meat Congress

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