
Online dietary electrolyte balance calculator launched on feedacidifiers.com

New dietary electrolyte balance calculator shows the usefulness for nutritionists of calculating the dEB of their diets.

5 July 2017

PerstorpTaking their insights into the sodium formate based, ProPhorce™ AC 299, and its role in dietary electrolyte balance one step further, Perstorp has launched a calculator tool that goes beyond just dEB. Based on contemporary independent research, it also calculates the potential performance benefit of improving dEB to its optimum of 240 mEq. For example the 4% improvement in broiler slaughter weight due to dEB optimization translates to a benefit of around €70 per 1.000 birds. For swine the benefits are potentially even greater, with a dEB improvement of 60 mEq giving a 4% improvement in slaughter weight. That translates in almost €5.50 more value per pig slaughtered.

When asked why there was a need for such a calculator, Portfolio Director for Acid Solutions, Jason Lorjé replies, “The demands that are put on feed additives are increasing as they often make the competitive difference in feeds. The costs of additive inclusion is usually the first point of evaluation, but to be successful we need to look beyond the cost of inclusion. We need to have a total cost-benefit overview and we can only get that by understanding how these products work in the animal and what benefits they supply. That is what we are trying to illustrate with our dEB calculator.”

Perstorp’s drive towards focused innovation also means that they strive to develop products that go beyond expectations. The dEB calculator is no different. It makes the benefits of optimizing the electrolyte balance clear and tangible. It can also show the additional benefits of using ProPhorce AC 299 when compared to sodium bicarbonate, currently the most commonly used solution to improve dEB. By taking the acid neutralizing effects of sodium bicarbonate and the acidification qualities of ProPhorce AC 299 into account it is now possible to see the total cost-benefit of these products to make a well informed choice.

To try out the calculator for yourself head on over to feedacidifiers.com and see what benefits dEB optimization could have in your diets.

July 5, 2017 - Perstorp

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