At EuroTier 2014 Palital proudly presents its new corporate identity, with a fresh, dynamic and striking company logo.
Founded in 2009, Palital has rapidly created a name in the field of feed additives and is recognized as a reliable manufacturer and supplier. A flat hierarchy, a committed customer orientation and reliable products are convincing more and more customers worldwide to place their business with Palital. The fact that the company has developed its own identity and is moving up to a next level should be underlined with a new corporate identity.

The new color spectrum, a new font, a new world of images and the two vibrant waves as a characteristic design element create a new picture of the company culture: “We’re moving forward!”
The new color scheme is made up of a discrete blue and a refreshing green. Blue, the color of the sky, expresses wideness and infinity. The color green underlines the sustained activity of the company and its connection to nature. The “on the move” waves highlight the dynamics and vitality of the company.
October 13, 2014 - Palital