
PIC announces new business development in Vietnam

PIC has concluded an agreement with local agribusiness powerhouse, Greenfeed (GF), for the production and distribution of genetically advanced swine semen in Vietnam.
13 April 2011
PIC has concluded an agreement with local agribusiness powerhouse, Greenfeed (GF), for the production and distribution of genetically advanced swine semen in Vietnam. The first 100 elite boars have been shipped from PIC’s Apex genetic nucleus in USA and taken up residence in GF’s 500-boar stud located in Dong Nai province in the south of the country. Four genotypes are featured in the product line-up, to provide options to match customers’ preferences and the first semen doses were delivered to pig producers in February.

Commenting on the deal Andrew Bateson, Business Development Director for PIC in Asia, said “Vietnam’s national herd is estimated at 4m sows, which puts it second only to China in the regional rankings. Supported by government policy, pig production is modernizing and moving away from the traditional backyard base to specialized semi-industrial and industrial farms. In spite of modest per capita GDP, pork is extremely popular and average annual consumption is 23kg per head. All these factors converge to make it a very attractive emerging market for PIC’s signature genetics. We are delighted to be working with Greenfeed, which has all the attributes you look for in a strong local partner.”


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