
Piggery monitoring sparks Danish interest

Monitoring of piggeries in Britain has attracted interest from the Danes.

15 November 2017

FarmexDr Sadie Douglas was asked to speak to producers about this system at the prestigious Annual Pig Congress at Herning, via live streaming.

As piggery management becomes more complex greater precision is required. Danish producers were particularly interested in the financial returns from real-time monitoring of key parameters such as ventilation, temperature and feed supply, said Dr Douglas, data services manager for Reading-based energy and control company, Farmex.

She pointed out that benefits of monitoring can range from simply picking up interruptions to feed or water supply to early disease detection.

Over 300 sites in the UK, Europe and the USA are now being monitored by Farmex’s Barn Report Pro service and the system is identifying many ways in which management and the environment can be fine-tuned. For instance, monitoring feeding regimes enables accurate information to be passed to the farm’s nutritionist and even behavioural patterns can be detected.

“It can be seen that monitoring can help farmers and managers make informed decisions through data capture, processing and analysis,” said Dr Douglas. She felt it critical that there is ability to view all hardware and software performance on one ‘platform’ to help with this. Large financial savings have been recorded as a result of monitoring.

November 14, 2017 - Farmex.

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