Approximately 160 of the primarily salaried and salaried non-exempt positions being eliminated are based at the company's headquarters in Pittsburg, Texas, or in nearby Mt. Pleasant, Texas. The remaining positions that are being eliminated are spread over nearly a dozen other sites, including Atlanta, Dallas and Broadway, Va. The company will provide severance benefits, including outplacement assistance, to affected salaried and salaried non-exempt employees. There is no direct impact on Pilgrim's Pride's operations or production, as none of the positions being eliminated are production-related.
In addition, the company said it is moving forward with plans to consolidate most corporate functions at JBS USA's headquarters in Greeley, Co. Both companies are continuing to evaluate the needs of their organizations and expect to finalize consolidation plans within the next three to six months.
"We know that these layoffs will create pain and uncertainty for those employees whose jobs were eliminated today," said Don Jackson, Pilgrim's Pride president and chief executive officer. "Decisions like this are always very difficult because they affect the lives of employees who have contributed so much to our company over the years, including during our recent reorganization. At the same time, these changes are absolutely necessary in order to realize the full benefits of our integration into JBS."