Before joining the Pork CRC he was Finance and Compliance Manager with Australia’s Grape and Wine R&D Corporation, which is also headquartered in South Australia.
A chartered accountant, English-born 41 year old Mr Crook has a Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours.
Announcing the appointment, Pork CRC CEO, Dr Roger Campbell, said Mr Crook had the necessary mix of business and finance skills and a sound understanding of science.
“Essentially, the Pork CRC is about responsibly funding and supporting innovative research and quality science, while applying appropriate due diligence, especially in how we invest funding from the Federal Government and our participants, including private companies and institutions,” Dr Campbell said.
Recently re-funded for eight years, commencing July 1, thanks to $20 million from the Federal Government and $18 million in cash and $94 million in-kind from 40 participants, it will become known as the CRC For High Integrity Australian Pork.

“To a certain extent it’ll be business as usual post-July 1, but in another sense the new Pork CRC will be driven like a business model in terms of sourcing, via tenders and expressions of interests, the people, organisations and businesses best qualified to deliver results for very specific projects.
“In other words, we’ll build on some exceptionally good outcomes in the first Pork CRC by better matching and assigning identified needs to the best possible available talent.”
Mr Crook’s key duties include, for example:
- Coordinate and oversee the administration of the Commonwealth, participant and third party agreements/contracts to which the CRC is a party.
- Work closely with core participants, the Commonwealth Government and Pork CRC Program Managers to ensure financial commitments and reporting requirements are met with maximum efficiency.
- Provide input to business development and commercialisation opportunities for Pork CRC projects, including coordination of documentation preparation.
- Develop and implement policies, strategies and systems relating to finance and business development to enhance the effectiveness with which Pork CRC funds are utilised.
Australia’s Pork Cooperative Research Centre (CRC)