There has never been a better time to become involved in Australia’s pork industry, with the innovative, well resourced CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork (Pork CRC) now offering honours and postgraduate awards, which pay up to $38,500 per year.
More than $7 million of research and development funding has been allocated by the Pork CRC in 2012/13 to support and develop Australia’s pork industry, which employs 20,000 people and contributes $2.8 billion to Australia’s gross domestic product.

According to Pork CRC CEO, Dr Roger Campbell, those existing Pork CRC projects most likely to support honours and postgraduate students have been identified, including the need for a postgraduate student in Sub Program 1B.
“The successful applicant will study piglet nutrition and management under new housing and weaning systems we’re developing and also enjoy travel and training opportunities with our international collaborators and participants,” he said.
Postgraduate applications are also being sought in Sub Program 4B – optimising the processing of grains to enhance feed efficiency and reduce carbon outputs.
Postgraduate Dr David Lines now works with Australian Pork Farms Group under the Pork CRC’s Industry Placement Program, which enables him to learn all about the business of pork production, while being involved in a number of Pork CRC research projects with APFG. | Supported by her Pork CRC honours award, Amy Suckling, Murdoch University, WA, is determining whether there is a difference in the incidence of dark meat between pigs raised in free-range and intensive systems. |
Postgraduate awards, valued at $38,500 per year, comprise $28,500 stipend and $10,000 student development, with $5000 of the development funds held by the Pork CRC for student programs, including travel, training courses.
Pork CRC is also seeking honours students for Program 1 (Confinement-free sow and piglet management), Program 2 (Herd Health Management), Program 3 (Healthy Pork Consumption) and Program 4 (Carbon conscious nutrient inputs and outputs).
Undergraduate (honours) awards carry a stipend of $10,000, with half paid to the student and half covering operational costs.
Honours awards had generally resulted in excellent scientific and commercial outcomes and the Pork CRC’s active mentoring program incorporated attendance at industry and scientific meetings and training in the science and practice of pork production.
Meanwhile, Australian pork production businesses wanting direct access to the best and brightest young minds are encouraged to consider taking on a Pork CRC supported honours student or postgraduate for three years under the Pork CRC Industry Placement Program, which offers the sponsoring business $35,000 per year for the first two years.
These Industry Placement awards offer students employment with a commercial organisation for at least three years, while they remain actively involved in R&D.
September 13, 2012 - Pork CRC