Modern pig production face increasing challenges, improve transformation, raw material volatility, and the need to keep controlled the cost of production. These factors imply a greater variability in the feed formulas, in the raw materials used, and a greater intake capacity. If we consider all this factors, combined with a restrictive regulation about use of antimicrobials, we will encounter an increasing concern about enteric disease. A specific knowledge about the different types of E coli involved in the post-weaning enteric disease is needed in order to take an optimal decision. Because of that, IDT Biologika in partnership with their distribution network organized last month a serial of seminars with the goal of promoting knowledge about the different types of E coli involved in the most frequent clinical cases, an insight in a proper diagnostic, and an evaluation of the different existing tools, as in the short as in the long term. Is do you wish to receive the content of this seminars, please do not hesitate to contact:

November 18, 2014 - IDT