
Process of nutritional immunity presented for the first time to animal nutritionists at Animine Academy

To limit bacterial growth, hosts have evolved mechanisms to sequester metals in a process termed ‘‘nutritional immunity”.

Dr Kevin Waldron, Principal Research Fellow based in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Newcastle University, UK.
Dr Kevin Waldron, Principal Research Fellow based in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Newcastle University, UK.
5 August 2019

Next September 9/10, Animine Academy is co-organised by the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) and Animine, supplier of value-added sources of trace minerals. A keynote speaker will be Dr Kevin Waldron, Principal Research Fellow based in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Newcastle University, UK.

Because bacteria and their mammalian hosts require nutrient metals for essential
biological processes, both compete to acquire these metals for optimal health and survival. To limit bacterial growth, hosts have evolved mechanisms to sequester metals in a process termed ‘‘nutritional immunity”. Metal starvation and metal excess are utilised by the immune system to restrict pathogenic infections. New biochemical and biophysical approaches investigate the mechanisms by which metal depletion or excess give rise to bacterial growth inhibition and death. Understanding processes of metal homeostasis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes will help to understand the modes of action of zinc and copper supplementation in livestock diets.

The session will be chaired by Professor Jürgen Zentek from the Institute of Animal Nutrition in the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the Free University of Berlin, Germany.

For more information http://animine.eaap.org/

August 2019 - Animine

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3rd Animine Academy


The unique format of Animine Academy allowed time for lively discussions, so that the audience could learn how trace minerals can satisfy physiological requirements of animals, but also affect immunity and microbiota.

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