Produmix, the Spanish company which trades in basemixes for piglets, reaches 25 years since its creation in 1992 and they are carrying out several activities during these months. The nutrition company defined a road map in the mid-long term focused on technological innovation, so as to keep on developing new products efficiently and provide their clients with full support services.
Produmix’s team want to celebrate this event with their clients from Europe, America and Asia and they were in VIV Asia (Bangkok, 15th-17th of March) and FIGAN (Zaragoza, 28th-31st of March) to thank them their loyalty during all these years. Likewise, they will be in the XIII Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe de porcicultura (Ciudad de Panamá, 5th-8th of September).

By taking part in this type of events and opening new branch offices, Produmix’s management expects 2017 to be a very special year.
April 30, 2017 - Produmix