Australia’s new Pork Cooperative Research Centre, the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork, is open for ‘business’ and now invites proposals for its inaugural funding round (2011-2012) for research projects.
According to Pork CRC CEO, Dr Roger Campbell, the call for proposals is based on industry and research priorities across the CRC’s four program areas established by its Expert Scientific Groups and R&D Committee in May and July 2011.

He said the Pork CRC was also looking for shorter term projects that represent genuine innovation across its four research and utilisation programs and in related areas of pig science and pork production.
“The innovation awards are new and we hope they will result in some system changing outcomes for the Australian industry and encourage applications and involvement from scientists not usually involved in pig and pork research,” Dr Campbell explained.
The four Programs in the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork are:
1. Confinement free sow and piglet management
2. Herd health management
3. Healthy pork consumption
4. Carbon-conscious nutrient inputs and outputs
The research priorities identified at Expert Scientific Group meetings in May and ratified by the R&D Committee in July address industry needs and specific output milestones the new Pork CRC has been contracted to deliver in its agreement with the Commonwealth Government.
“Proposals must address these priority areas in order to be funded,” Dr Campbell said.
Proposals must be received by August 15, 2011.
Potential proponents are invited to visit the Pork CRC website for project briefs and proposal forms, or they may contact Pork CRC Research Manager, Graeme Crook, Tel 08 8303 7973.
July 25, 2011. Pork Cooperative Research Centre, CRC