It also won the exporting of goods award last year in the open category, before it was divided this year into large company and small/medium enterprise categories.
The award was presented at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre on September 18 by Austrade WA Manager, Stuart Crockett.
Accepting the HKABA award, Ron Penn, General Manager, Livestock Division, with PPC LVF parent company, Craig Mostyn Group, said it recognised the company’s commitment to producing, sourcing and exporting quality WA grown pork products into the Asian market.
He said the award reflected the dedication and professionalism of PPC management and employees and the vision of the 80 year old Craig Mostyn Group, which had invested several million dollars in the company’s pork division during the last few years.
PPC Linley Valley at Wooroloo is WA's only export accredited pork processing facility, processing about half a million pigs annually.
“As an export-oriented company, PPC is committed to meeting the needs of our Asian customers,” Mr Penn said.
“Our company has a long and proud history of building trading relationships with Asia and today approximately 20 per cent of Australia's pork exports to the region come from PPC LVF Establishment 618 at Linley Valley, Wooroloo.
“It’s a history we intend to carry forward into the future by actively pursuing the market in Hong Kong SAR and China,” he said.

Ron Penn, General Manager, Livestock Division, with PPC Linley Valley Fresh parent company, Craig Mostyn Group, accepts the Hong Kong Australia Business Association 2009 Exporting of Goods Award.