International technical programme with over 30 specialist events.
And there’s more - AgroFarm 2009 is also putting on an internationally designed and practice-oriented technical programme involving leading Russian and European agricultural associations. In more than 30 conferences, forums and podium discussions, Russian, European and North American experts will take an indepth look at key issues affecting Russia’s agricultural sector. The technical programme will get off the ground on 20 May with a podium discussion on the “Potential of Russian Animal Breeding: Reserves and Development Prospects”. Here representatives of the Russian Federation’s Agricultural Ministry together with leading Russian and international experts from the sector will present their views and opinions before engaging in a round of discussion with the participants.
Thematic spotlight: "Cattle"
The cattle forum will focus on topics such as breeding, framework conditions for using cattle genetics as well as work organisation and staff motivation. Other themes will include ways of lowering operation costs and improving the quality of production as well as methods for increasing the liquidity of livestock farms. At an international conference scheduled for 20 May 2009, representatives of the Russian and international cattle sector will talk about the cattle breeding programmes of tomorrow.
Thematic spotlight: "Pigs"
The pig farmers’ forum will deal with topics such as state support for pig management and means of securing top-quality genetics for pig-farms. The construction and modernisation of pig sties are also on the agenda, as are ways of enhancing the quality of pork and optimising food rations. A highlight for the international pig production sector will be the podium discussion on the theme of “Creating the genetic basis for Russian pig production” which will involve the managers of Russian pig farms as well as representatives of pig-breeding organisations from Canda, Denmark, England, Germany and the Netherlands. Yet another event will focus on the “Development of Pig Production in Russia”. Here the Russian Ministry of Agriculture will set out the targets and promotion measures at the core of its efforts to build up the pig production sector.
Thematic spotlight: "Poultry"
The theme of "Modern Poultry Farming: Research and Innovation" is to play a major role at the XVI Conference of the Russian Branch of the World Poultry Science Association. Here the focus will be on current issues relating to genetics and breeding programmes, feeding, animal management and the processing of poultry meat and eggs as well as on issues concerning veterinary medicine in poultry management. The conference will get underway on 19 May, prior to the launch of AgroFarm, and will run through to 21 May 2009. More than 400 Russian and foreign participants are expected to attend. Scheduled on the agenda for the first two days are presentations, workshops and a visit to a poultry farm in Sergiyev Posad at the Science and Research Technology Institute of Poultry Farming (VNITIP). The conference results, including summaries of the workshop presentations, will be outlined at AgroFarm on May 21. New this year is the topic of turkey management. To mark this sector’s new arrival on the AgroFarm scene, the professional association of turkey farmers is organising an event on the “Development of Turkey Production in Russia.”
Thematic spotlight: "Aquaculture"
The aquaculture forum aims to present visitors with "Ways of Optimising Sturgeon Farming for Commercial Use”. On top of this, the Russian Fishing Industry Association is offering an “Information and Advisory Centre for Aquaculture”, which aims to answer questions concerning the establishment and organisation of both small and large-scale fishs. Here visitors can also access information on the procurement of young fish and the various qualities of mixed feed and learn more about ways of improving breeding conditions and preventing disease amongst fish stocks.
Thematic spotlight "Goats"
The goat forum is dedicated to a topic that has been neglected for many years, namely goat breeding. The focus will essentially be on ways of generating a good genetic basis for dairy goat herds and on the use of modern technology in management and feeding as well as on animal care and milking technologies. This event will be presented by a true goat-sector enthusiast – the General Director of ANO “Laduschka” Natalia Markelova.
New this year: Job Market
Russia’s agricultural sector is experiencing a lack of qualified staff along with difficulties in recruiting trained personnel. AgroFarm 2009 now offers an excellent exchange platform for university graduates and young experts seeking to market their skills whilst giving enterprises the opportunity to disseminate information concerning current job offers.
Participation at all events at AgroFarm 2009 is free of charge. However, for reasons of organisation, it is requested that participants register in advance.
For further information on AgroFarm 20, and for the latest updates to the technical programme, go to www.agrofarm.org. Alternatively, information can also be accessed via email at agrofarm@DLG.org.