The 15th Conference of the Asian Association of Animal Production was held on 26-30th November in Bangkok under the theme of “Improving Smallholder and Industrial Livestock Production for Enhancing Food Security, Environment and Human Welfare”. This Conference was an opportunity for Animine to present results from three experiments conducted in Asian countries. Trials were supervised by Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, Dankook University in Korea and the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Vietnam (graph 1).

HiZox®, as a source of potentiated zinc oxide, was tested at low inclusion rate in comparison to the pharmacological dosage of the regular ZnO in piglet diets. Trials differed by piglet age at weaning, feeding program during the nursery phase, diet composition, levels and sources of zinc oxide, antibiotic supplementation, and level of growth performance. In the typical conditions found in the three countries, HiZox® fed piglets had the highest growth, resulting with increased weights at the end of the experimental phase (graph 2).
December 13, 2012 - Animine