
Romanian deal tops landmark year for JSR

JSR Genetics, the UK’s leading pig genetic specialists, has made another major advance into the key Eastern European market. Agro Expert of Cluj Napoca, Romania has been signed to distribute JSR’s superior genetics to pig producers throughout the country.
10 November 2009
JSR Genetics, the UK’s leading pig genetic specialists, has made another major advance into the key Eastern European market. Agro Expert of Cluj Napoca, Romania has been signed to distribute JSR’s superior genetics to pig producers throughout the country.

Formalised by George Ruiban, Agro Expert’s Director and Paul Anderson, JSR’s European Sales Director, the contract has great significance for both companies. For JSR it marks another major milestone in their on-going global expansion and follows significant agreements in Canada, Portugal, Bulgaria, the Ukraine and Russia, notably in Belgorod where, to date, 15 shipments have delivered over 50,600 sows. “We are already delighted with our progress this year, and to now be working with Agro Expert in Romania is a real bonus,” says Paul Anderson. “The Romanian pig industry has seen a significant decline in pork self sufficiency - dropping from 84% in 2003 to 61% in 2009, as a result the number of imports has almost doubled in the last 5 years. The infrastructure is generally good but there are significant variations in performance throughout the country. By combining our genetics and technical support with Agro Expert’s extensive contacts within the agricultural sector and local knowledge we can help lift the productivity of the industry and the profitability of individual pig producers.”

For Agro Expert, an agricultural wholesale operation that currently supplies Romanian farmers with inputs from seed and fertiliser to pesticides, the contract also marks a high point. “We have just celebrated our 10th anniversary,” explains Mr Ruiban, ”so how better to progress than by offering new and existing customers high quality JSR genetics?” Agro Expert also owns a farm with a pig finishing operation which it plans to develop into a multiplication unit to offer Romanian producers a greater range of locally adapted, JSR breeding stock.

“Our choice of JSR Genetics was influenced by both our present and long term aims,” explains Ioana Achim, Agro Expert’s General Director. “We were attracted by their excellent reputation for delivering ‘the whole package’ – the science and technology plus the technical back-up and sales support. That way, the potential of the genetic material – and of our business too – can be fully realised. ” Her colleague Dr Nicoleta Ruiban, Agro Expert’s Executive Director and Vet, also fully supported the decision: “The high health status of JSR breeding stock will really prove its worth as the solid foundation for increasing productivity in the Romanian pig sector.”

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