
Scope of work: Specialist to provide consulting on business management of pig farming


CHF, a US-based, non-profit, international development and humanitarian assistance NGO, is trying to facilitate the development of the nascent pork industry in Mongolia by implementing an 18-month Pork Value Chain Development Program.

10 May 2010


CHF, a US-based, non-profit, international development and humanitarian assistance NGO, is trying to facilitate the development of the nascent pork industry in Mongolia by implementing an 18-month Pork Value Chain Development Program. We have identified several areas of the value chain requiring improvements due to lack of knowledge by local market participants. These areas include the breeding, feeding, sheltering, management, vaccination, and slaughtering of pigs. We aim to fill the knowledge gaps in these areas by producing training manuals on pig rearing and seeking pork production experts from abroad to build the capacity of local market participants.

One of the main constraint is Mongolian pig farmers have very limited knowledge source on professional management and strategy for expanding and improving the business. Due to that, farms have been operating inefficiently.


CHF International has a goal to improve management skill and knowledge of pig farmers and specialists within the program implemented in pig sector.

To review the activities of pig farmers and specialists in terms of the goal:

  • Pig farmers lack knowledge and skill to expand and improve their businesses
  • Lack of pig sector specialists to work on above mentioned issues
  • Our project conducts training on running farm, animal husbandry, but it is impossible for us to provide business consulting to improve the business.

Due to these, pork sector development is poor, and household pig farms stay the same without any progress. Even though pig farmers obtain technical knowledge about pig farming, they lack business skill (entrepreneurship) to change their farm.

Objectives including:

  • To help pig farmers to obtain knowledge and information on management
  • To have pig farmers obtain business and calculation methods to improve and expand their activities
  • To have them obtain complete methods to develop production plan and implementation


We are looking for an international consultant to develop:

  • Basic Farm Management Tools
    • Accounting Tool – simple tools to record investments, costs, revenues and to record identify profit (loss)
    • Basic Pig Farm Development Plan – basic growth plans for medium size farmers to grow their business (how to build cash flow, how to prioritize investments, non-cycling to cycling)
  • Training - Train local technical & business consultants
    • Provide training to trainers – CHF & DS & Association & University & Extension
    • Provide workshop with farmers & trainers – advice on pig farms
  • Industry Development Advice
    • Advise CHF on how to program development
      • CHF/MASP - FY11 programming (OWB)
      • Sector Actors – Association, Univeristy, DS, Extension
      • Mid-term Areas of Development



  1. To have professional level knowledge about Pig farming business
  2. To have 10+ years experience in business background or to be experienced in business


  1. It is preferred if consultant worked closely with farm that grew from small to medium size

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03-Sep-2013DanielDanielSatisfactory... Would it be possible for you to e-mail the feasibilty study and a complete business plan on pig farming. My e-mail addy is danielhenshaw2001@yahoo.com. Thanks
04-Sep-2013 jordi-guillaumet_2Hi Daniel,
you can contact CHF in http://www.globalcommunities.org/contactus
Keep in mind that this release was published more than 3 years ago.
06-Sep-2013DanielDanielI would be grateful if u can send me a business plan and feasibilty study on Pig farming. Pls can you help me with it. I would love to start up a pig farm in Nigeria with 2 boars and 8 sows. Thanks A lot.
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