
Sign up Now for PQA Plus® Advisor Recertification Sessions

People who become certified as Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) Plus® Advisors under the National Pork Board's PQA Plus® program are required to recertify every three years.
26 May 2010
People who become certified as Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) Plus® Advisors under the National Pork Board's PQA Plus® program are required to recertify every three years. That means those certified during the initial training period in 2007 need to complete a recertification training and testing session in 2010. The Iowa Pork Industry Center (IPIC) at Iowa State University (ISU) has planned four such recertification sessions in early June at three locations in Iowa.

The recertification session dates, times and locations are as follows.
* Wednesday, June 2, 8:30 a.m. to noon, Ames, Iowa State University campus, Kildee Hall, Ensminger Room
* Wednesday, June 2, 1 to 4:30 p.m., Ames, Iowa State University campus, Kildee Hall, Ensminger Room
* Thursday, June 3, 1 to 4:30 p.m., Sheldon, Northwest Iowa Community College, 603 West Park Street, Building C, Room C349
* Friday, June 4, 1 to 4:30 p.m., Ainsworth, Marr Park, Hwy. 92
James McKean, IPIC associate director and ISU Extension swine veterinarian, said that while spots remain in these sessions, people who want to attend need to register immediately to assure their attendance.

“There are less than 10 vacancies in both of the Ames sessions, and just a few more in the Sheldon and Ainsworth locations,” he said. “We continue to get registration calls daily, and when the 30-person limit is reached at a site, no one else will be allowed to attend there.”

All sessions will be taught by ISU animal science and veterinary medicine faculty members who are certified PQA Plus® trainers. People must register and pay the $50 fee prior to the session they want to attend. The preregistration form is available online at http://www.ipic.iastate.edu/PQAPRecert.doc. It also is available by fax by calling Jane Runneals at IPIC at 515-294-4103.

PQA Plus® was developed by the Pork Industry Animal Care Coalition, to be a continuous improvement program. The coalition, made up of pork producers, packers/processors, restaurants and food retailers, dedicated itself to finding a food-industry solution that would give confidence to consumers that U.S. pork is produced in a way that respects animal well-being. PQA Plus® merges the food safety and animal well-being concepts of the original PQA program into three steps: individual certification through education, farm site assessment and the opportunity for project verification that gives customer credibility. For more information on PQA Plus® contact the National Pork Board at 800-456-PORK, or go to http://pork.org/Producers/PQAP.aspx?c=PQAP


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