
Smithfield Foods Facilities Recognized for Environmental and Workplace Safety Efforts by AMI Foundation

Smithfield Foods, Inc. said today that numerous of the company's facilities were recognized for their environmental and worker safety efforts during the American Meat Institute Foundation (AMIF) Annual Conference on Worker Safety, Human Resources and the Environment held March 9-10 in Kansas City, Missouri.
21 March 2011
Smithfield Foods, Inc. said today that numerous of the company's facilities were recognized for their environmental and worker safety efforts during the American Meat Institute Foundation (AMIF) Annual Conference on Worker Safety, Human Resources and the Environment held March 9-10 in Kansas City, Missouri.

"Smithfield is extremely proud and honored to have received these awards," said Dennis H. Treacy, senior vice president of corporate affairs and chief sustainability officer. "These awards demonstrate our commitment to constantly evolving our environmental and worker safety programs as part of our overall corporate social responsibility program," Treacy continued.

Five Smithfield Foods facilities were honored with Environmental Achievement Awards, which are presented to member companies that go beyond environmental compliance by designing and successfully implementing an innovative plant upgrade or environmental program.

Environmental Outreach to the Public

First Place: Smithfield Packing Co., Inc. — Smithfield, Virginia

Second Place: Patrick Cudahy, Inc. — Cudahy, Wisconsin

Second Place: Premium Pet Health — Denver, Colorado

Pollution Prevention

First Place: Smithfield Packing Co., Inc. — Smithfield, Virginia

Resource Conservation

Second Place: John Morrell & Co. — Cincinnati, Ohio

AMIF also recognized 33 Smithfield Foods facilities with Environmental Recognition Awards

Smithfield Foods, Inc.

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