Smithfield Foods is on track to complete this goal and has created a video, which not only reaffirms Smithfield's industry-leading commitment to group housing systems on their company-owned farms, but also takes a specific and interesting look at what sows' lives are like in Smithfield group housing.

"We think this is both an entertaining and informative look at how we are caring for pregnant sows, with actual footage from our sow farms that helps to explain how the group housing system ensures the safety, comfort and health of the sows during the gestation process," said Dennis H. Treacy, Smithfield's executive vice president and chief sustainability officer.
In 2007 Smithfield Foods made a business decision to convert to group housing for pregnant sows on all company-owned U.S. farms based on input from its customers. When completed in 2017, it is estimated that the U.S. conversion will have cost about $300 million. In addition, Smithfield's international hog production operations also will complete their conversions to group housing on company-owned farms by 2022.
July 31, 2013 - Smithfield