
Quality Equipment: New solar powered feeder for outdoor pig producers

Outdoor pig producers can now reap the benefits of the well-proven Transition Feeder with a new, no-fuss solar powered model.

QE's Transition Feeders in a tent being powered by specially-made solar panels on an outdoor unit.
QE's Transition Feeders in a tent being powered by specially-made solar panels on an outdoor unit.
10 August 2022

The feeder has been developed by Quality Equipment (QE) in response to many enquiries from the outdoor sector.

“We developed a model that would run off 24 volts, powered by 12v batteries, but the problem was that these had to be regularly changed and charged up to avoid any interruption in supply,” said QE director Graham Baker.

The company therefore developed a portable solar panel station which is used to keep the batteries continuously topped up. The solar station will power up to ten feeders, is mounted on a frame and, when folded, can be transported via a forklift. As well as 24V it can also be specified for other requirements, including 12V and mains voltage with an inverter.

The Outdoor Transition Feeder has all the benefits of the normal Transition feeder with the provision of freshly mixed gruel to help newly-weaned pigs overcome the stressful transition period after being removed from the sow. Two Transition Feeders will cater for up to 120 piglets and simply require topping up with feed, plus the provision of water at a minimum pressure of 1 bar.

The benefits of the original Transition Feeder have been largely unavailable to outdoor pig producers. By its very nature, there is less control over outdoor production and ‘bed-and-breakfast’ producers who finished pigs in straw yards would often find pigs of varying weight after delivery.

“In a batch of 1,000 pigs there could be 400 needing extra care and attention to catch up,” said QE’s Mark Harding, who developed the feeder. “It was found that the Transition Feeder worked well in this situation. Now this is a viable option for farmers who wean their pigs into tents.”

August 10, 2022 - Quality Equipment

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