
Sow Longevity Spreadsheets help pork producers worldwide

This free software tool is available in three languages, and in English and metric measurement formats for both breed-towean and farrow-to-finish operations.
30 September 2010
This free software tool is available in three languages, and in English and metric measurement formats for both breed-towean and farrow-to-finish operations. Owners, managers, consultants, veterinarians, marketers, genetic researchers, and other industry professionals use these spreadsheets to help make decisions on how long to keep sows in their breeding herds. At last count, recipients from 41 foreign countries, 23 U.S. states and six Canadian provinces with influence over more than 32 million sows have requested and received at least one of the versions. If you’d like to receive any of these spreadsheets, complete the appropriate online form on the IPIC Web site here http://www.ipic.iastate.edu/software.html#spreadsheets


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