The use of swine in biomedical research is booming, awakening the interest of teams of scientists around the world. Specipig has launched a new website specialising in this animal model with information on conventional specific pathogen free pigs (SPF), the new line of Specipig mini-pigs ® being developed in collaboration with the Institute for Research and Technology in Food and Agriculture (IRTA) and Semen Cardona that areexpected to launch in 2016, and the preclinical CRO services the company offers to support research centers, hospitals and pharmaceutical and medical device companies in the various phases of their projects.

Specipig is the only company in all of Europe to provide comprehensive service with the swine model. Recently, the company participated in the Congrés Català de Cirurgia (Catalan Surgery Congress), the Iberian Congress for Laboratory Animal Science (Secal) and the Medica trade fair in Düsseldorf. In this regard, Jaume Amat, Specipig CEO and CataloniaBio board member, says that 2015 "has been a good year in terms of making ourselves known internationally and explaining our value added, which will increase with our mini-pigs next year.”
In addition to breeding genetically selected pigs and providing CRO services, the company also works in biomedical research and innovation with organisations and leading companies in their fields. The company is currently collaborating with Barcelona Macula Foundation (BMF) on research projects and preparing specific animal models for macular and retinal diseases that lead to blindness and currently have no effective treatment to avoid vision loss or to recover it.
December 17, 2015 - IRTA