At its June meeting, the Board of Directors of the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork approved $2.7 million worth of second round R&D funding for 2012-2013.
The funds were spread across the four programs, with Programs 2 (Herd health management) and 3 (Healthy pork consumption) each receiving $750,000 - $760,000 and Programs 1 (Confinement free sow and piglet management) and 4 (Carbon conscious nutrient inputs and outputs) receiving $500,000 and $687,000, respectively.

According to Pork CRC CEO, Dr Roger Campbell, this comes on top of the $4.6 million allocated in the first funding round last year.
“I’m pleased to report that we’re already close to seeing some positive, industry changing outcomes from projects funded in that first round,” he noted.
Dr Campbell said there were some very innovative second round proposals: “The quality of proposals was excellent, which meant the review process had to be particularly rigorous, with 32 of 54 applications being recommended by the R&D Committee and supported by the Board.”
Recognising the significance of the industry decision to voluntarily phase-out sow gestation stalls by 2017 and Coles request of its pork suppliers to be stall free by 2014, the Pork CRC Board, at its June meeting, allocated $100,000 in additional, strategic funds to investigate what’s happening commercially and run refresher workshops.
July 9, 2012 - Pork CRC