"We can look back on an extremely successful scientific event with inspiring cross-border exchanges. The congress provided a unique platform to pool expertise and innovations from experts and scientists from all over the world. This contributes significantly to the promotion of international cooperation,” says Prof. Dr. Johannes Kauffold, Head of the Swine Division of the German Veterinary Association, Professor of Swine and Reproductive Biology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Leipzig University and Congress President of this year's event. “The extensive program addressed both the central traditional and newer areas of pig health and production,” adds Prof. Dr. Kauffold.
"It was a pleasure to host this first-class and highly international event," said Martin Buhl-Wagner, Managing Director of the Leipzig Trade Fair. "The lively discussions and extensive networking of professionals from around the world made the congress an unforgettable experience for the participants. The high international participation and positive feedback from attendees once again confirm that Leipzig is an ideal location for global trade conferences."

The IPVS & ESPHM 2024 welcomed guests from a total of 65 countries. Participants from Spain, Brazil, China, Denmark, and Thailand were particularly well represented.

Broad Range of Topics and International Exchange
Intensive knowledge transfer and international networking were at the heart of the IPVS & ESPHM 2024. 16 top-class keynote speeches formed the core of the four-day congress programme. These were complemented by more than 100 scientific lectures by renowned experts and over 800 poster presentations, which enabled an intensive professional exchange. An international team of speakers provided information on the latest findings, technologies and innovative approaches in the areas of nutrition and reproduction, animal and consumer protection, crisis and disaster management, parasitology, bacteriology and bacterial diseases, vaccination and immunology, precision livestock farming and herd health management as well as sustainability and human resource management.
A special highlight was the ‘Tom Alexander Memorial Lecture’, which was given by Prof. Jeffrey Zimmerman from Iowa State University (USA) as part of the opening event on 4th June. The lecture is considered a tradition of the IPVS and honours Tom Alexander's contribution to pig medicine.
Two ‘Best Oral Presentation’ awards were presented during the congress. These went to P.P. Pwint Thu for her topic ‘Economic implications of anemia-related productivity losses in farrowing sows’ and to M. Rémond for her topic ‘Descriptive study of the carriage of Streptococcus Suis and serotypes 2, 1/2 and 9 in two french farms presenting clinical cases of streptococcosis’. The ‘Best Poster’ was awarded to Lorenzo Fraile for his scientific poster on the topic ‘Screening DNA markers to improve resilience to porcine respiratory disease complex outbreaks’.

Accompanying Industrial Exhibition
Alongside the congress, industrial partners from around the world presented the latest products, technologies, and research results. Interested participants were able to learn about innovative solutions and trends in the areas of animal nutrition, animal health, animal husbandry, and breeding. The event was supported by 44 sponsors and supporting companies from 15 countries. The platinum sponsors included Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany), Farmabase Animal Health (Brazil), HIPRA (Spain), Merck/MSD (USA), and Zoetis (USA).
Social Programme: From Boat Tour to Congress Party
The event was enriched by a varied social programme: various activities allowed the participants of IPVS & ESPHM 2024 to experience the city of Leipzig and the state of Saxony up close. The activities included a boat tour on the Leipzig canals, a brewery tour, a tour of the Porsche factory, a city tour in Dresden, and the official congress party at the KONGRESSHALLE at Zoo Leipzig with the opportunity to visit the Leipzig Zoo and enjoy a traditional Bavarian Oktoberfest.
June 7, 2024 - IPVS & ESPHM 2024