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Susana Mesonero Joins the technical services of IDT Biologika SL

Susana Mesonero, Graduate in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USC, has joined the international technical services team of IDT Biologika in Spain and Portugal.

25 August 2015


Susana Mesonero, Graduate in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USC, with a wide experience in the technical services of relevant companies in the swine industry, national and internationally, and resident of the European College and Porcine Health Management (ECPHM), has joined the international technical services team of IDT Biologika in Spain and Portugal.


With a great customer service orientation and a wide experience in the modern swine production, Susana developed her professional career helping farmers and veterinarians to improve productions in the field of genetics and additives. After a residence in the U. of Minnesota and the training received in Germany, she complemented her profile with advanced knowledge about pathology, diagnostics and control of emerging diseases, niche field in which IDT highlights.

From two years ago, IDT proposes a new way of diagnose and control post-weaning problems of E. coli producing Stx2e, and from 2015 promotes the most complete techniques of diagnostics and control of swine Influenza. In the next future, the company will launch a tool to control persistent neonatal diarrhoea.


August 25, 2015 - IDT

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