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Sustainable E colicontrol Seminars

Last May 22nd and 23rd two seminars about sustainable E coli control took place in Zaragoza and Madrid

17 June 2014

idt.gifLast May 22nd and 23rd two seminars about sustainable E coli control took place in Zaragoza and Madrid, with great success. The first in collaboration with the AVPA, and the second in partnership with the IDT local distribution network, both had as goal to enhance the knowledge about Colibacilosis, with focus in the post-weaning period. A deeper knowledge about E coli types, regarding the differences within the two main groups (STEC and ETEC), is the basis for a better comprehension of the clinical processes, and the way to an optimal control on the short and long term. In these seminars the immunology, the diagnostics and control measures were discussed, trying to provide a detailed, practical and complete vision of this pathology that will help the practitioners to design control strategies fully aligned with the future tendencies in swine production. In case of interest in the documentation of these seminars or in the E. coli virulence factor test, do not hesitate to contact your IDT distributor or Sergi Barrabés (Sergio.Barrabes@idt-biologika.com)


June 10, 2014 - IDT

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