
SUVAXYN MH-One launched

SUVAXYN MH-One vaccine, which protects pigs against Enzootic Pneumonia for at least six months with just one injection, has been launched in the UK by Fort Dodge Animal Health.
15 December 2008
SUVAXYN MH-One vaccine, which protects pigs against Enzootic Pneumonia for at least six months with just one injection, has been launched in the UK by Fort Dodge Animal Health.

This innovative vaccine has a dual-adjuvant system giving a protracted period of immune system stimulation similar to that previously achieved with a two shot vaccine.

According to Ifor Phillips, pig products business manager at Fort Dodge Animal Health, there are two other major advantages to Suvaxyn MH-One vaccine.

The product has a good user-safety profile as it is adjuvanted with Carbopol and MetaStim, neither of which contains mineral oil, so the danger from self injection by farmers is low. It is also a very simple product to inject as Suvaxyn MH-One has low viscosity and thus is easily administered, even when cold, through a 21 gauge needle.

The launch of Suvaxyn MH-One is good news for both pigs and pig producers as it really does tick all the boxes for a low viscosity, non-mineral oil, one-shot M.hyo vaccine with at least six months duration of immunity,” Ifor Phillips added.

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