Pork producers can learn more about building ventilation from the inside out through a series of workshops in March. Iowa Pork Industry Center joins Iowa Pork Producers Association and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in offering “Managing Your Unseen Employee: The Ventilation System” at six different Iowa locations.
IPIC swine specialist Colin Johnson said this daylong workshop provides a two-pronged approach to understanding issues and consequences of decisions by combining classroom instruction with hands-on trials and application of knowledge gained in a real-world setting.

“Producers often question the efficiencies of their systems and are challenged seasonally in adjusting air exchange rates and the ventilation components within their barns,” Johnson said. “Iowa’s climate can provide a challenge but we aim to equip producers with the knowledge to make the best utilization of both their heating and cooling mechanisms within a given barn.”
The classroom sessions include the basics of ventilation systems, effective temperature requirements, troubleshooting tools and techniques. Producers will learn how to optimally ventilate their barns while keeping pigs of varying growth stages healthy and productive.
Following the classroom learning segments, Johnson said attendees will be able to see and feel the impacts that design, maintenance and management can have on various ventilation practices through the use of Iowa State’s 24-foot mobile Swine Ventilation Trailer.
“A valuable and much-appreciated benefit of these mobile workshops with Iowa State’s ventilation trailer is the ability to try one’s hand at investigating ventilation and controller settings without risk of on-farm biosecurity breaches,” he said. “This experience is invaluable for those who are responsible for building upkeep and ventilation on their farms.”
All workshops run from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Registration starts at 9 a.m. Thanks to IPPA and other local sponsors, registration and the noon meal at all workshops are free. However, preregistration is required due to space limitations. Preregister by contacting the Iowa State Extension swine specialist listed for the location you wish to attend.
Workshop dates, locations and preregistration contacts are below:
- Thursday, March 1 - Sutherland, Northwest Research and Demonstration Farm, 6320 500th St. Contact: David Stender, dstender@iastate.edu, 712-225-6196
- Tuesday, March 6 - Mason City, NIACC, 500 College Drive. Contact: Russ Euken, reuken@iastate.edu, 641-923-2856
- Wednesday, March 7 - Montezuma, Meyer Seed and Chemical, 5204 Hwy 63 Contact: Colin Johnson, colinj@iastate.edu, 515-291-9287
- Thursday, March 8 - Washington, National Guard Armory, 501 Hwy 1 S. Contact: Tom Miller, tmiller@iastate.edu, 319-653-4811
- Wednesday, March 21 - Chickasaw County – Contact Mark Storlie for location, mstorlie@iastate.edu, 563-425-3331
- Thursday, March 22 - Harlan, Ahrenholtz Construction, 2803 Southwest Ave. Contact: Erik Potter, jepotter@iastate.edu, 515-460-5609
February 2018 - ISU