The BPEX Pig Health Improvement Project (PHIP) is focusing this year’s activity on the elimination of swine dysentery. Pig producers have asked for this for two main reasons. Firstly, it is one of the most economically damaging infections a herd can contract and it can spread rapidly through a herd via faeces. Pigs with dysentery can deteriorate in condition very quickly, with severe cases leading to death.
The other reason is that, despite its virulence, control methods are relatively straight forward and simple measures can be taken to protect against reinfection. BPEX’s Veterinary Projects Manager Helen Clarke states that, if everyone follows the same simple principles, we can make huge progress towards eliminating swine dysentery regionally and nationally.

Helen said that BPEX’s first steps would be to focus on cleaning and disinfection. “A consistently high standard of C&D builds the foundations for any disease control programme. It’s an extremely effective way to break the on-farm cycle of reinfection with diseases like swine dysentery.”
With over twenty PHIP cluster groups across the country, producers are now well-positioned to start a united effort to eliminate swine dysentery.
BPEX will be working with clusters as well as individual producers and vets to help them establish the best methods of controlling swine dysentery in their region. Helen is encouraging producers to get in touch to discuss these before their next cluster meetings and to order BPEX’s cleaning and disinfection DVD: email or call 0247 647 8877. Producers can also use these contact details to join the PHIP if they haven’t done so yet.
March 20, 2013 - BPEX