
Swine Innovation Porc: new board members appointed

Five new Board members were appointed at the Board of Directors meeting before the opening of the Banff Pork Seminar in Banff, Alberta.

15 February 2012

Five new Board members were appointed at the Board of Directors meeting before the opening of the Banff Pork Seminar in Banff, Alberta:

  • Daryl Possberg, pork producer representing Alberta Pork
  • Jean-Paul Laforest, Chair of the Science Advisory Body
  • John Webb, representing the Pork Value Chain Roundtable
  • Neil Ketilson, representing Saskatchewan Pork Development Board
  • Normand Martineau, pork producer representing the Federation des producteurs de porcs du Quebec.

Four other members will be continuing for a second term:

  • Claude Miville, representing the Quebec pork sector
  • Jean Howden, representing the Ontario pork sector
  • Mike Teillet, representing Manitoba Pork Council
  • Stewart Cressman, pork producer representing Ontario Pork

Claude Miville and Stewart Cressman were re-elected Chair and Vice-Chair respectively. Neil Ketilson was elected Treasurer.

On this occasion, Mr. Miville declared that "We are proud to have representatives from all aspects of the value chain. Our members are either producers actively engaged in the research positions within their provincial organizations, staff of the producers' organizations actively engaged in research coordination, or executives of significant processing companies. We believe that this combination of directors will provide an optimum level of insight and management acumen along with reflecting regional interests and a diversity of skills and experience.

Swine Innovation PorcSwine Innovation is a corporation of the Canadian Pork Council whose objectives are to facilitate research, technology transfer and commercialization initiatives designed to enhance the competitiveness and
differentiation of Canada¡¦s pork industry. Our program consists of 14 research projects focused on reducing the cost of production and product differentiation. It also includes three technology transfer initiatives.

Swine Innovation (Canadian Swine Research and Development Cluster) is funded through the Growing Canadian Agri-Innovations program ¡V Canadian Agri-Science Clusters Initiative. We also receive financial support from the private sector and other provincial government organizations.

February 14, 2012 - Swine Innovation Porc

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