TechMix, LLC is announcing the acquisition of Immuno-Dynamics, Inc. of Fennimore, Wisconsin. Product innovation lies at the heart of the purchase, where novel nutrition and animal health technologies from Immuno-Dynamics dovetail with innovations and products from TechMix. The combination of science and innovations from the new alignment is focused on keeping animals drinking, eating and producing.
Immuno-Dynamics manufactures products that effectively aid in prevention of disease and fortify an animal during acute stress conditions. Formed in 1979, Immuno-Dynamics based their science on the innate and cellular immune response derived from passive transfer from dam to newborn. It is well-proven that the beneficial antibodies from colostrum support newborn health and immune response and that the colostrum produced in the first hours following birth offers the highest concentrations of beneficial antibodies. Much of Immuno-Dynamics product development has surrounded the health and immunity advantages of “First Milking Colostrum”. Additional research has proven that other colostrum protein components such as cytokines, chemokines and proline-rich peptides offer a wide spectrum of immune modulating and other benefits.

“Since the beginning, we have believed in, and pursued, natural solutions to improving animal immune function and performance” says Mark Burton, Immuno-Dynamics. “With increased pressure to reduce the use of antibiotics we know we have nutritional solutions that can satisfy consumer pressure, help differentiate current market solutions and most importantly, support animal health, welfare and performance.”
The facilities at Immuno-Dynamics offer office, laboratory, manufacturing, and warehousing space which will compliment current TechMix facilities. On-site spray drying, pasteurizing, freezing and packaging equipment will offer innovation flexibility and manufacturing independence to aid in streamlining market-ready manufacturing and product development. TechMix has a number of products across its current portfolio specifically designed to support the health and performance of young animals. However, the merger of both company’s robust research shows promising discoveries and applications through every phase of life and production for commercial livestock. As the TechMix business continues its global growth trajectory, product innovations stemming from this acquisition will continue for years to come and benefit the industry as it searches for natural and novel solutions.
“The acquisition adds another nutritional intervention program to the TechMix hydration and stress event platform that provides the support needed during challenging events of the animal’s life. With the acquisition, TechMix will continue making progress in developing hydration and nutritional solutions to help keep animals drinking, eating and producing – naturally.”, says Mike Nelson, TechMix President
January 14, 2021 - TechMix