Quality is key. The exhibition is set to inspire buyers and opinion leaders to tackle key drivers for the Chinese animal husbandry sectors. The key drivers of VIV China 2009 are:
Safe feed to safe meat
; tracking and tracing of feed ingredients.Prevention
; animal disease control & animal welfare.Processing
; meeting changing consumer demand for food safety.Seminars which will be held on 19 and 20 October at the General Service building and will address these key drivers and other issues concerning the animal protein industry.
At this moment over 5,000 m2 floor space has been booked. VIV China will host around 200-250 companies. Already around 140 local and international companies have decided to join in again, amongst them are exhibitors from Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, USA, Canada, South Korea, Italy and India.
Ruwan Berculo, Project Manager VIV Asia-Pacific, underlines the fact that organising VIV China annually, reflects the dynamics of the Chinese market in which demand and priorities in the meat sector are changing rapidly. “Our VIV objective is to let you meet your current business contacts and match successfully with new relations within the Poultry, Pigs and Cattle business in Asia-Pacific” says Ruwan Berculo. Within the Chinese market this resulted in changing the biennial calendar and VIV China is now being organised on a yearly basis.