
The Danish Bacon and Meat Council (DBMC) elects new Chairman

On November 12, 2008 the Board of the Danish Bacon and Meat Council elected Asger Krogsgaard as their new Chairman.
24 November 2008
On November 12, 2008 the Board of the Danish Bacon and Meat Council elected Asger Krogsgaard as their new Chairman.

Asger Krogsgaard, 41, has been a pig farmer since 1991 and owns a farm near Ringkøbing in Jutland with 1,700 sows and a yearly production of approx. 10.000 finishers. He is on the Board of Danish Crown and is Chairman of the Board of Hatting KS. Since 2006 he has been a commissioned Board member of DBMC.

Asger Krogsgaards says:

This is a big challenge, and I feel very proud to have been elected. DBMC is a strong organisation with very competent staff, and I look forward to our future cooperation as well as working together with the other Danish agricultural organisations.

At present, our biggest challenge is providing optimum frame conditions and ensuring competition on equal terms for Danish pig farmers and slaughterhouses to ensure a sustainable production and slaughtering of pigs in Denmark in the long term.

Also, it is essential that both primary production and food production are at the forefront, both when it comes to securing optimum financial conditions for the industry and meeting consumer demands.

Asger Krogsgaard succeeds the former Chairman, Bent Claudi Lassen, who has decided to step down after 9 years in order to focus on his candidacy for the European Parliament as a representative for Venstre, the Danish liberal party.

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