
The future of farming at EuroTier

Youth and students gather at Young Farmers Day
4 November 2010
Young farmers and students will once again have a meeting place at EuroTier this year. Amid the buzz expected in the halls of the world’s top animal production event, EuroTier has not forgotten its youth participants, with a series of events tailored to this group of techno-savvy, global-minded young farmers and students.

The key event in the programme is the Young Farmers Day, set to take place on 18 November. Career opportunities and prospects for animal producers will be the focus of this programme. Participants can look forward to a series of presentations throughout the day covering various aspects of animal production, with a strong focus on the needs and issues faced by those starting out in the sector. All presentations will be conducted in German.

Kicking off the day at 9.30 h, the morning session will focus on careers in the poultry sector. Participants can expect to gain first-hand information on potential opportunities and career options, from apprenticeships to university degrees. A career session for animal nutrition will begin at 13 h, followed by a general discussion on the prospects of a career in animal production.

Wrapping up the day’s event will be a young farmers party in the evening, which is expected to be attended by some 2.500 farmers and students, including young people working in agribusiness and their representative organizations. Tickets to the party must be purchased in advance.

Over 500 participants from Denmark, Great Britain, Poland and other countries had attended the last Young Farmers event, taking the opportunity to come to EuroTier to network with their counterparts in other parts of Europe and learn about the latest developments in the animal production sector. “This young farmers’ event is unique in that it attracts farmers not just from Germany but from all over Europe, focusing solely on the animal production sector. Common issues can be discussed and explored at length, and the opportunity to share new perspectives benefits everyone,” says Stephanie Jürgens, DLG’s Project Manager for the Young Farmers Day.

Details of the event are as follows:

Date: 18 November 2010

9.30 - 10.00 h Apprenticeship in poultry management
Where: Poultry Forum (Hall 11, Stand F 53)
Speaker: Dr. K. Damme, LfL Kitzingen
Organizer: DLG e.V., ZDG

10.15 - 10.45 h Bachelor in Poultry Science
Where Poultry Forum (Hall 11, Stand F 53)
Speaker: Prof. Anderson, FH Osnabrück
Organizer: DLG e.V., ZDG

11.00 - 11.30 h Higher educational studies in poultry management
Where: Poultry Forum (Hall 11, Stand F 53) Organizer: DLG e.V., ZDG

11.45 - 12.15 h Requirements and needs of the poultry industry. Case study: PHW Group
Where: Poultry Forum (Hall 11, Stand F 53)
Organizer: DLG e.V., ZDG

13.00 - 14.30 h Job forum for animal nutrition: Careers, profiles, perspectives
Speakers are representatives of nameable companies from the animal nutrition sector
Where: Dresden hall (CC)
Organizer: Young DLG, German Pet Food Association

15.00 - 16.00 Job forum for animal production and health: Careers, profiles, perspectives
Speakers are representatives of nameable companies from the animal production and health sector
Where: Dresden hall (CC)
Organizer: Young DLG

17.00 - 19.00 h Young farmers Congress: "Industries of the future?
Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe [ ]
Speakers are young farmers from Denmark, Switzerland and Germany
Where: Top Tier Treff (Hall 27)
Organizer: Young DLG, BDL, Young ISN

20.00 h Young Farmers Party
Where: Hall 19

Minimum age for attendance is 18 years. Valid ticket required for all.
Tickets are only available in advance at www.eurotier.de


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