The new edition of ECOFARM, the area within the EXPOAVIGA trade fair dedicated to innovation in sustainable farming, will offer visitors an international workshop dedicated to the slaughterhouse waste energy recovery. This event will take place on June 11 of 2010, organized by the GIRO TC and Fira de Barcelona, and sponsored by the Spanish Ministries of Environment (MARM) and Education (MICINN).
This International Worshop is dedicated to the Anaerobic Digestion of Slaughterhouse Waste, being its main objective to present the results obtained in two large cooperative projects related to this topic: OPA_LAP (Optimization of anaerobic digestion of animal fats) and PROBIOGAS (falta algo, no?), both being strategic projects funded by the MICINN. With the process of anaerobic digestion, slaughterhouse by-products can be transformed into biogas, a renewable energy source, or can be used as a complementary substrate for other biogas plants when supplied as an appropriate mixture with other residues (anaerobic co-digestion). The Workshop is also aimed to provide an exchange information on other international research initiatives in this field.
World-renowned experts will address the constraints and opportunities of slaughterhouse waste treatment strategies. The focus will target both basic research (laboratory results) and applied experiences (pilot-industrial). The objective of the Seminar is to pool experience and results, discuss its impacts and guide future work in this area. Therefore, the Workshop is open to all industry players, researchers, technologists and industrialists.