
Topigs Norsvin invests in new AI stud in Minnesota

Topigs Norsvin has formed a partnership, Skylab LLP, with AI Partners of Morris, Minnesota to construct a 335 head state of the art boar stud.

10 July 2015

topigs_norsvin.gifTopigs Norsvin has formed a partnership, Skylab LLP, with AI Partners of Morris, Minnesota to construct a 335 head state of the art boar stud. The investment by Topigs Norsvin USA will be over $1,000,000. The stud will contain both terminal and maternal lines. Mike Terrill, CEO Topigs Norsvin USA, states: “Our business success and strong relationship with AI Partners, and the continued demand for our products, propelled our decision to make this strategic investment.’’

topigs-skylab.jpgThe new boar stud will operate with the latest state of the art technology and expertise by AIM Worldwide, a global Topigs Norsvin organization that is responsible for the quality and production of more than 8 million doses of semen per year. Semen quality is controlled by CASA systems and production is certificated following the high quality standards of AIM Worldwide. The stud will use air filtering and is fully air conditioned assuring high health and the best environment for the boars.

The Topigs Norsvin International Supervisory Board and Board of Directors visited the building site of the boar stud last week during their visit to the USA. During the visit several key stakeholders and clients were visited.
Martin Bijl, CEO of Topigs Norsvin International, sees the investment in Skylab as a logical step in the development of the US company. “We see a growing demand of Topigs Norsvin genetics in the market; especially the new parent sow line being introduced at this moment is creating a lot of new clients. With this AI stud we are able to realize the growth in sales now and in the near future.”

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, John Lorist from the Netherlands, states “The USA is one of the worlds leading pork producing markets and therefore one of our strategic markets. With the new AI station we are able to provide our customers the best genetics in the best possible way. We are confident that our team in the USA, together with all support of head office, will expand our market share. We introduced a new product and together with the knowledge and support we offer, this is a perfect package that fits perfect to the demanding market in the USA.’’

July 9, 2015 - Topigs Norsvin

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