The company AD.Zito Malesh have pig farm "from farrowing to finishing" with the capacity of 15000 finishers per year. The company AD.Zito Malesh after difficult time in the last years change the owners and then decide to work with Topigs Norsvin for constant improvement of genetic, reproduction and overall farm results. The company managers knows Topigs genetic very good and they expect sustainable growth in the next years.
Recently, the 70 high quality pure breed SPF gilts and 4 boars from France are imported with an idea to start InGene production. The new pure line Topigs Yorkshire (A-line) nucleus animals will allow to AD.Zito Malesh pig farm to introduce new up-dated genetic via replacement gilts into existing herd for their own needs and 4 Talent terminal boars to reach significant feed efficiency and excellent slaughtering results per year. Eurogen DOOEL company from Skopje will be responsible for S&D activities and on-going breeding and technical assistance and coaching on-farm.

With a production of more than 1.55 million crossbred gilts and over 8 million doses of semen per year, Topigs Norsvin is one of the biggest swine genetics suppliers in the world. Each year more than 90 million slaughter pigs are produced with Topigs Norsvin genetics.
Topigs Norsvin company have innovative approach to implementing new technologies and a continuous focus on cost-efficient pig production. Research, innovation and dissemination of genetic improvement are their cornerstones values. Continuous and strong product improvement are enabling Topigs Norsvin clients to achieve significant added value in their production.
July 21, 2014 - Topigs