
Topigs Norsvin opens new Delta Norway

Topigs Norsvin officially opened its new boar test and research center Delta Norway.

17 June 2024

On June 14, Topigs Norsvin officially opened its new boar test and research center Delta Norway. Delta Norway is the final element of the Topigs Norsvin strategic plan to upgrade our breeding structure, which started eight years ago. Other important steps in this plan were centralizing the nucleus breeding of the Zline and TN Tempo in Canada and building Delta Canada and Innova Canada.

New innovations and an infrastructure designed for large-scale data capture at Delta Norway will significantly boost the Topigs Norsvin genetic program. For example, camera technology and sensors to observe pigs will make it possible to select for new traits that improve animal welfare and social behavior.

Delta Norway will test 5,000 young TN Duroc and Norsvin Landrace boars per year. This is 2,000 animals more than at the current Delta Norway test station, which will be converted into a unit to house boars for export. The increased capacity of the test station will mean more animals with high genetic value becoming available to meet the growing demand for Topigs Norsvin genetics worldwide.

The increased testing capacity and new technologies will accelerate genetic progress. Delta Norway is expected to increase genetic progress by an extra ten percent, especially in feed efficiency and daily gain.

This means less feed is needed, less land is used, and fewer greenhouse gasses are emitted when producing pork. With the millions of Topigs Norsvin pigs in the world, this will lead to a substantial reduction in environmental impact.

June 15, 2024 - Topigs Norsvin

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