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Topigs Norsvin turnover continues to grow

This growth reflects the continued worldwide demand for Topigs Norsvin genetics.

12 June 2024

In 2023, Topigs Norsvin turnover increased by 15% to € 270 million. The net profit, which was largely reinvested, rose to € 2.6 million, an increase of € 0.5 million compared to 2022.

This growth reflects the continued worldwide demand for Topigs Norsvin genetics. More integrations in countries like Brazil, Spain, and the United States chose Topigs Norsvin in 2023. Existing clients increased the proportion of Topigs Norsvin genetics in their company. The market share in Northwest Europe increased, even in countries like the Netherlands and Germany where the pig population is decreasing.

Despite inflation and rising interest charges, Topigs Norsvin further invested in its future in 2023. In the Netherlands, the main office and research center relocated to a joint new location in Den Bosch. In the Dutch village of Keldonk, a new ultramodern semen collection station opened. And in Brazil, a new nucleus farm started. To support further growth, we invested in the quality of the organization as well.

Topigs Norsvin continues to invest in progress. This month, the Delta Norway boar test and research location opens in Norway. Topigs Norsvin is investing € 34 million in research and innovation this year.

CFO Pieter van Sundert: “We are proud of our results over 2023. These emphasize not just our strong market position but also confirm the trust that clients place in us. Continued investment in quality and sustainable choices enable us to translate the wishes of the market and society into our products.”

Mark Tijssen, chair of Coöperatie Topigs and chair of the Supervisory Board of Topigs Norsvin: “The successes of 2023 are proof of the dedication and expertise of our entire team. The strong connection between pig farming and Topigs Norsvin offers opportunities for the future in both the Netherlands and other countries. Together with our strategic investments and strong market position, this means we are ready for the challenges and possibilities in the pig sector.”

June 12, 2024 - Topigs Norsvin

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