
TOPIGS: Reorganisation of the Macedonian market

TOPIGS Hellas is pleased to announce that Eurogene has become the new distributor of TOPIGS genetics in F.Y.R.O. Macedonia.

2 September 2013

TopigsEurogene, directed by N. Vokuvic, owns a brand new state-of-the-art AI centre which will serve the local market by delivering TOPIGS' high-quality genetics.

Eurogene Ltd has also signed a contract with a local SPF farm to work as a multiplier for TOPIGS genetic dam line material. Pure lines were introduced from the TOPIGS SPF nucleus farm in Meuse, France. Very soon the local breeding farm will produce all of the dam line genetics needed by the local market. In the future, it will be able to supply the needs of neighbouring markets as well.

With a production of more than 1,250,000 crossbred gilts and over 7 million doses of semen per year, Dutch-based TOPIGS is one of the biggest genetics suppliers in the world. In several countries, TOPIGS is either the market leader or one of the major suppliers. TOPIGS stands for progress in pigs. This means research, innovation and genetic improvement are the cornerstones of our company. By continuously improving our products, we enable our clients to achieve maximum results.

2 september, 2013 - TOPIGS

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