
Understanding Responsible Pork

Truth is, pork producers manage their businesses responsibly. They have established the proper guidelines, regulations, staffing and management to assure the safety of their animals, employees, the environment and ultimately consumers' food.
6 February 2009
Truth is, pork producers manage their businesses responsibly. They have established the proper guidelines, regulations, staffing and management to assure the safety of their animals, employees, the environment and ultimately consumers' food.

What isn't as clear, is the communication of those efforts throughout the pork-chain. Some are still questioning their efforts and commitment to animal well-being, human capital, the environment and food safety. Others assume that responsibility starts and ends at the farm and doesn't flow throughout the chain.

The Responsible Pork Symposium's mission is to openly discuss successes in producing, transporting, harvesting and delivering pork to the consumer. It's also designed to ensure that all pork-chain sectors understand their role and responsibility in providing a safe, economical, quality, uniform and efficacious product.

By the end of the symposium, you will have a broader understanding of what responsibility means in the pork industry today. More importantly, a closing session will provide us with ideas and guidance in communicating industry achievements and responsible positions to others.

While it's true "The price of entry" to do business is changing, the Responsible Pork Symposium partners want to ensure that your voice and your business remains effectively in the race.

Come, listen, learn and share your voice on Feb. 23-25, in Kansas City. It could be the best investment of time and money that you make all year.

Cliff Becker
Pork Publisher


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