Topigs Norsvin distributor Alimundo recently received 38 breeding boars from Norway. This is a unique importation because it is the first time that genetics from Norway are entering the Chilean market. The boars, 30 Norsvin Landrace and 8 Norsvin Duroc, are the third import of Topigs Norsvin genetics to Chile in the second half of 2015. Earlier imports were Z-line breeding gilts, Talent and Tempo boars from Canada.
The combination of Norsvin Landrace and Z-line results in highly productive and efficient sows that when inseminated with the Norsvin Duroc produce finishers with high gain, low feed conversion and high, top-quality carcass yield. This unique combination is new for the Chilean market. ‘’Chilean producers can directly benefit from top genetics from our nucleus farms in Canada and Norway,” says Peter van Kemenade, Director North and South America.

February 10, 2016 - Topigs Norsvin