
USMEF supports efforts to lift Russian trade restrictions

USMEF support calls by U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack for Russia to suspend these new measures and restore market access for U.S. beef and pork products.

11 December 2012

USMEFLast week, the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) advised U.S. red meat exporters of the declaration published by Russia's Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Service (VPSS) on Wednesday, Dec. 5, concerning pre-export certification of meat products destined to Russia and of the ongoing exchanges between government officials of both countries.

While USMEF does not comment on ongoing government-to-government discussions, we support calls by U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack for Russia to suspend these new measures and restore market access for U.S. beef and pork products.

Later this week, further meetings will take place between representatives of the U.S. and Russian governments and USMEF looks forward to the outcome of these discussions. U.S. beef and pork customers throughout the world can be confident that the U.S. industry is committed to supplying healthy, nutritious beef and pork. This commitment is based on the best available science and has the backing of the United States government. We are confident that a science-based solution to the disagreement over testing and certification can be found quickly so that exports of U.S. beef and pork to Russia can resume in the near future.

December 10, 2012 - USMEF

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